Race is a touchy subject. I wanted to approach this topic sensitively while also providing relevant information. I'd like to begin by apologizing for my language choices in this report. "White participants," "other races," and "non-white" are an unfortunate side effects of reducing information to numbers. I am very aware that differences between individuals from different racial and cultural backgrounds can be significant, but when reviewing the data I was ultimately exploring how white and non-white members of the community answered these questions differently.
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http://www.douchebagsofgrindr.com/ |
I used this question to give me an alternative way of explore the last one. Wording is a difficult sometimes. Many of us these sites more for cruising than hooking up, despite our best efforts to achieve the latter. Physical attraction is the driver of these sites since it reduces everyone to a tiny pic. When exploring attraction in this way it seems that everyone shares similar prejudices.
I would like to preach about one thing. Members of my own race are fare more likely to qualify their profiles like the one on the left. Although we may not have direct control of who we're into, there is no reason we need to be assholes about it. Douchebags of grinder is a fun way to tease these asses. There, I'm getting off my soap box.
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The fact that so many participants of other races see their race as an influence of wether they will attend an event or go to a bar is telling. As a community, the leather scene is always talking about brining in young people. Just as we need to be a little less stodgy to make that happen we also need to be actively inviting to people of different races and backgrounds. Clubs like ONYX have made a wonderful contribution in this area. Members of their DC chapter often make me feel more welcomed than I do at the events of some other DC clubs. We're all in this to get our rocks off, so lets make it a fun and welcoming place to get it on. |
"as to this survey it was very good presentation.
When the question concerning race i am personally into all different race of people within the leather community or not.
I look at each person heart. character to how i will deal with or allow them into my social circle.
As to prejudices in the leather community it can be about 50/50 each person has there own personal choice that they wish to play with at the time. I respect about the leather community when it come to playing or having a BDSM relationship. Some are 1 on 1 other are polyandrous.
Every one does not fit the same mold at all it all about communicating the roles they want to take on with me or not. Its apart of the Negotiation process. "
Had to re-read this question a number of times before I answered... "Generally speaking, are you physically attracted to individuals not of the same race as yourself?" You might consider rewording: "Generally speaking, are you physically attracted to individuals of a different race than yourself?"
Race hasn't been much of an issue (in my opinion), as "leather-phobia" has been within the LGBT community. There has been much fear, confusion, and stereotyping about the leather community by the wider gay community -- that is, there are a large number of gay men who fear men who wear leather or expect all leathermen to behave and act the same way -- like we're all into BDSM. I have to admit, some leathermen have demonstrated prejudices against effeminate gay men. Two-way street doesn't condone the behavior of either side. Can't we all just get along?
"On the question about being ""physically attracted to individuals of a different race"":
I wish the question were worded differently. I answered ""Yes,"" because some of the guys I'm attracted to are of other races — but their race is not the reason. I don't fetishize race. It's not a factor in attraction for me. "
I'm generally not attracted to men of color, but one of my partners was black. For us color was not an issue.
Just because we are progressive in terms of sexuality in the Leather community doesn't mean that we escape the intersections of oppression and prejudice that occur in society at large. We are a subculture, which means we are a small group WITHIN a larger culture, and therefore carry over many of the values of that larger culture into our culture, intentionally or not. Racism exists in the larger world, and it definitely exists in the Leather world.
I have noticed fewer Black and Hispanic people, proportionately speaking, in the community. I do not know if it is a problem with the group I associate, if others of color gather in their own groups, or there are other social/cultural issues at play.
I'm white and carry all the privilege that goes along with that, but teach at a school with a student body that's 97% African American. So, yeah, I can attest that there is a lot to be said and learned about this issue. I don't think the Leather scene has fewer racial prejudices than most other environments, but I also don't think it's doing any worse. What I have noticed is a greater willingness to talk about race issues among everyone in the Leather scene -- but then, maybe it's just easier to talk about such topics with people we've been nekkid around.
"1. Gender identity is a bit more complicated than Yes/No binary for me.
2. ""Physically attracted"" question... do you mean exclusively, like ""am I generally attracted to"" someone of a different racial background, or inclusively, like ""I am generally attracted to people of all racial backgrounds""? The phrasing is awkward; I said ""no"" b/c it sounds like you mean it exclusively, like maybe I'm a white guy that only dates black men. I date both. All. Whatever."
You did not factor in this survey that some people in leather community and fetish community use race play/language as integrated element in their scenes or lives. This will skew your results to a race bias perhaps in a negative way.
"On this question: ""Are you aware of racial prejudices, directed toward yourself or others, in your daily life?""
I think you might find that the answer would vary regionally. In the South, I see probably see much more racial prejudice than someone might in other parts of the US."
I feel that being a black male, I am usually the only one of color at an event or someones party....be it leather oreinted or just an all gay event!! Especially, since I live in Wv and th scene is very queen oriented!! I am heavily attracted to white guys, but, they are the ones that seem to be into what I like or dress the way I like a guy to dress!! Boots nice fitting jeans, facal hair!!
Isn't it important where you live? I can imagine if you live in central norway where you see 1 non white on 100 whites, sexual attitude towards coloured people is different than in a state wher more than a quarter is not white
Black men are so hot
"As with white guys, men of color are hit and miss also"
Keep up the great work.
i'm find very difficult to express my fetish in leather because of people in my country very closed abaout this.
Yes and No answers to some of these questions might better be answered by substitution of a multi-point scale, particularly the sections regarding friends in and out of the leather community.
The gay community in general is surprisingly racist, which is incredibly sad. I have heard some appallingly racist comments come from people who strive for equality when it comes to sexual orientation, but the hypocrisy of judging anyone on another meaningless criteria never seems to dawn on them. I do not believe that the leather community is any more racist than any other part of the gay community, but racism (and classism) is still there and fairly disappointing and ugly.
Racially speaking; the 'newer the generation, the more racially inclusive' the community has become, and 'accepting'. Larger population centers offer greater options and visibility of our diversity, although there 'appears' to be fewer races 'involved in the leather community', it can be due to 'cultural differences' and upbringing. As with 'piercings' for a while, only 'those crazy ass white people' got piercings (or tattoos). Now 'everyone is doing it. Evolution and "Progressive Leather" is the term I have coined for our ever changing 'Revolution in Leather'. From 'Old Guard' to 'New Guard' to 'Crossing Guard'; and Europe seems to 'lead the way' from Leather design, to rubber, to gear, to so many wonderful new 'discoveries'.
Race and ethnicity are different and to combine them renders your data meaningless. Many latinos for example do not self identify as people of color.
Some of the questions are not simple yes or no questions.
This is a great topic for a survey. I'd love to hear about your results once you finish with your project.
Even though the leather community bills itself as diverse, it is diverse in fetishes, not race to a great extent. Many men of color in the leather community are objectified. So organizations like ONYX are still necessary.
I think the racial climate has really expanded in recent years. In order for things to change everyone has to be willing to do something new. As a black leather man I stopped sitting back & waiting for other people to come to me and welcome me. I now walk up to people/groups that I'm interested in and make my own introductions & the response has been good!
"I think that the question ""Generally speaking, are you physically attracted to individuals of a different race than yourself? *"" is a difficult one for me being pansexual I am a more interior personality person. I don't care what color you are."
Actually feel there is a lot of racism toward each other with African-Americans in the leather scene.